Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Swollen V(a)in

Help this flow,
cannot rejuvenate itself.
Lay a safety net,
an identity from the shelf.

I've seen Me live and die a thousand times.
Proficiencies fulfilled by perfect rhymes.
I'm awake, I'm free.
Spectacles help reinstate the perfect me.

This has to be it,
I'm perfectly equipped.
My eyes can't lie, this must be real,
What more could I possibly conceal?

I am flawless,
need to keep telling myself this.
No need for guarantee,
surround myself with those who agree.

No need for "god,"
seems ridiculous to me.
A higher level outside myself?
A need to plea?

Childish views,
think I'll just let my body take over.
Wait for a perfect day,
or a four leaf clover?

My veins are swollen,
from the ideas I have stolen.
Rejecting my flaws makes me a jerk.
I'll just let my ego take over and do the work.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Savage Metamorphisis

Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. ~Abraham Lincoln

{I want all my actions to be pure.
From birth to death,
Lead my vibrations to create good
and diminish evil.}

What does it mean to be impeccable?
Incapable of sin?
Another word for perfect?
To be as I am?

I am what I am and that is all I know.

Lord, I want to be good.
Believe me God, I want to be light.

Democrat? Republican?
Hippocrates? Bigots?
Viscous leader.
What is this evil plan you plot?

Am I so paranoid to judge so quick?
Infrared reflection?
Artificial resurrection?

I'm running out of ideas here.
When will you show your face?
Mixed vivid dream fears.
Planetary space.

A quickie just below the undertow.
Keep me close between your thighs.
Another for the road.
Archeological disguise.

Light-year pursuit.
Inaugurated cul de sac.
Baffled & intrigued.
Cult anxiety attack.

Magnate I want to be pure.
I want to be light.
Magnate make me spotless.
Until then I remain restless.